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بواسطة (6.3مليون نقاط)
عُدل بواسطة

Choose the correct answer to complete the song. My brother Richard ......... to the cupboard to find something to eat. But when he ........ there, the cupboard ........ bare, and so he ........ nothing to eat.؟ ., ف2  1447

سعداء بقدومكم الي موقع  دار التـــفــــوق الذي اصبح الموقع الاول والمفضل  للطالب والمعلم ونقدم سؤال اليوم بالاسفل.

س : Choose the correct answer to complete the song. My brother Richard ......... to the cupboard to find something to eat. But when he ........ there, the cupboard ........ bare, and so he ........ nothing to eat.؟ .؟ .

اطرح سؤالك لنحله هنا عبر اسأل هنا دار التــفــوق ونفدك اليكم اليوم.سؤال : Choose the correct answer to complete the song. My brother Richard ......... to the cupboard to find something to eat. But when he ........ there, the cupboard ........ bare, and so he ........ nothing to eat.؟ .:

جروب الموقع  تـليـــجرام دار التــفــوق

الجواب يكون هو :

went - had - was - got

الإجابة خطأ
Went got  was had

2 إجابة

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بواسطة (6.3مليون نقاط)
أفضل إجابة
Choose the correct answer to complete the song. My brother Richard ......... to the cupboard to find something to eat. But when he ........ there, the cupboard ........ bare, and so he ........ nothing to eat.؟ .!
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